Alan Reviews Updates

The place where you get updates on my YouTube channel

Stardew Valley Update

I am planning to review Stardew Valley for an anticipated review request. So far, I did a lot of research in learning about Stardew Valley and C#. The title of the video will be Stardew Valley and C# Review and Discussion. I managed to gather some co-op gameplay footage. Progress is going slow. I am still writing the script and recording gameplay. The game has a lot of content. Eventually, I will get the video done. I don't know when the video will be released.

Recording Footage on Xbox One

For upcoming and future video reviews, I can get some footage recorded on Xbox One with Xbox One DVR. One problem with recording Xbox One footage with the DVR is that the length is 2 minutes. The resolution of the videos can be 720p or 1080p.

Plan for LEGO Star Wars The Complete Saga Review

I will do a review on LEGO Star Wars The Complete Saga. I wishlisted the PC version on Steam. I have a copy of the Xbox 360 version.

Veloren Review

I am planning to review Veloren for a review request. I am planning to play through the game and look into the Rust programming language.